
Join Us - Registration

What is your current level of expertise?
Low Intermediate High
I Agree to Compensation Rule
Compensation rule : A maximum of two absences are permissible for compensation within the one-month duration. Any additional absences beyond this limit will not be eligible for compensation.
قانون التعويض : يُسمح بتعويض غياب يصل إلى اثنين كحد أقصى خلال فترة شهر واحد. لا يمكن تعويض أي غياب إضافي خارج هذا الحد.

I Agree to
Freezing of sessions will be in case of medical injury only with providing an official hospital report
يتم تجميد الحصص بحال الاصابة فقط مع وجودة تقرير طبي رسمي

I acknowledge that I have read, understood, and agreed to your Terms and Conditions